UNA is now available on VOD and DVD in the US! Didn't catch it in theaters? Watch it now at home on VOD or CLICK HERE to purchase the DVD.
Benedict Andrews' gripping adaptation of "Blackbird" lands a prime release date, after a strong festival run in 2016.
The trailer skillfully obscures the central premise of the film, and we’ll pay you the same courtesy; it’s best experienced cold. Suffice it to say that Rooney Mara’s Una and Ben Mendelsohn’s Pete (or so he says) have a dark past, one that the trailer and film communicate through extensive flashback sequences intercut with one harrowing day at the mill where Pete works. They’re on a collision course with a forbidden secret they’ve both buried for years, one that radically changed both of their lives when discovered. There are heated arguments, dramatic knocking-offs of things from tables in one sweeping motion, a painfully awkward champagne toast, and wall-to-wall good acting.